Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Student is Seeking a Mentor for Practicum!
Katherine Romero, a doctoral student in Clinical Psychology with Saybrook University is seeking a practicum for Fall and Spring semesters under a licensed psychologist.
About Katherine:
Greetings! I am Katherine Romero, a Flagstaff native (and one of the rare few that still reside here). I have returned to school to get my PhD in Clinical Psychology after 20 years since obtaining my undergrad at NAU. I have a passion for an integrative and holistic approach to improving mental health. In pursuit of this passion and in additional to my humanistic studies, I have also gained certifications in energy healing, Somatic Breathwork, IFS-based coaching, and Quantum Timeline Healing, and gestalt-based coaching.
I have two unique skillsets that likely separate me from most practicum students and I believe would be a great asset to your practice. First, I have “lived a whole other life” in my 20 years out of school as a digital marketing executive, corporate leader, agency owner, and consultant. In this work, I have cultivated a skillset – both hard skills and soft skills - that translates nicely to client services, assessments, and case management. As an agency owner, my success has been directly tied to my ability to cultivate strong client relationships, maintain professionalism, and respond to in-the-moment needs of multiple clients. As a digital marketer, it is essential that I capture multiple forms of data to evaluate an overall picture of a client’s state of their business. This analytical and “read between the lines” skillset translates to many areas in case management, direct client services, and assessments. As a business owner of nearly 11 years, I know what it is to work in environments with conflicting priorities, multiple activities all vying for attention, and needing to triage priorities.
Second, my endless fascination with what it means to holistically improve one’s mental health has led to acquiring many tools in my toolbelt as an energy healer, breathwork practitioner, and life coach. In my private practice, I have worked with over 50 clients and counting to help them overcome “everyday” hurdles on the road to improving their quality of life. In this regard, I have experience managing clients, documenting sessions, serving clients with complex issues, and the soft skills of a humanistic approach.
Finally, as someone born, raised, and residing in Flagstaff, I’m quite familiar with the mental health needs of this culturally diverse community and the cultural competencies required to effectively help our community’s members.
If what I have shared with you resonates as a potential asset to your practice in a practicum context, I would love to chat further. You can reach me at 928-814-3428 or