Find resources for teens at Included resources are helpful for teens experiencing distress from ongoing stressors related to the pandemic and "social distancing."
Friday April 10th @1pm there will be a LIVE town hall with a local therapist Kirsten Mueller, from Green Stone Therapy. Kirsten will give a brief prevention about 'Adolescents managing school, family, and/or mental health stressors’ that will be LIVE. During and following her presentation Kirsten will be answering LIVE questions coming in. Go to the link below to join that event on Friday, 4/10, at 1:00p.
Dr. Aaron Goldman, a psychiatrist who has worked closely with and for the Flagstaff community in various capacities, reached out to NAPS on behalf of a Clinical Leadership Coalition formed to address healthcare needs in response to COVID-19 in Northern AZ, including the mental health needs of individuals in this area. There are two areas of focus for the information he addressed. Dr. Goldman outlined a need for volunteers to provide urgent mental health services, to assist with coordination of care and placement needs for patients, to assist with communicating resources for families having economic difficulty compounded by the economic downturn, and other community needs as they evolve. Secondly, Dr. Goldman provided information for policy strongly promoting/dictating the use of Telehealth for any healthcare service as well as information about how to easily use Telehealth services.
In regard to volunteer opportunities, to offer mental health services contact Dr. Aaron Goldman ( To offer crisis response needs and support, please contact Brianna Barrios (
In regard to Telehealth services, Dr. Goldman strongly encouraged providers to contribute to the safety of our community and to your own safety by using Telehealth. He provided resources listed below including the executive order from the governor addressing the topic. This relates to the executive order signed today regarding telehealth services. This was signed to mitigate your providers risk and their clients’ risk to the COVID-19 virus. This website has a COVID link at the top for more information regarding billing and provider education as it relates to telehealth. There is a lot of useful information regarding the efficacy of telehealth and other information regarding its utilization specific to behavioral health providers This website has a COVID link at the top for information regarding the AHCCCS guidelines for Medicaid clients. This cover’s billing codes and other important regulatory changes.
We strongly encourage our members to follow the recommendations provided as well as find time to volunteer.